Friday, August 18, 2006

Why are (us) Teenagers Stressed? (#29)

Some of the main stresses within people arise out of simple human nature. The desire to be natural and free, the ability to express yourself and just be yourself, conflicts with everyone else’s thoughts and control.

Often, we try and express ourselves or try something new and we often are judged and/or yelled at, or condemned from doing that new thing by our parents, teachers, friends, hierarchs in our world.

What we do, think, and say is judged from someone else’s perception (your parents or whatever) and then, whatever they think of our acts (positively or negatively), they will either praise or punish us for whatever they think of our actions, if they were "good" or "bad".

Indirectly, our actions are almost pre-determined by our upper-hierarchs, parents teachers, friends; if we do not have the same mind set as they want us to, then we are "bad". We all need to BREAK this glass, this mindset, and start to be more open-minded people, our actions should be determined by ourselves.

The amount of pressure, the amount of stress we receive from our parents, is the highest because "we" (we in general) often feel pressure to have our parents like us and agree with us, so naturally, since they have the power, we have to conform with them, that is, if we want them to like us, if they don’t like our actions.

Also, in certain families the parents often smother and control their kids, to set them in the "right" direction. They think that by telling them what is right, they will do, and often that is the case. Parents think that they are doing a good job parenting if their kid is getting straight A's, or has their room and house cleaned, or if their kid is going to Harvard (I never heard, he’s going to Harper?!!, that’s awesome) or is a astrophysicist, or does the right thing. What they don’t realize is that, that doesn’t mean it makes us happy; sure we feel some sort of delight in making our parents think we're the best thing in the world to them and since they keep praising us for doing these things, why not just keep doing them?

Blind conformity...sad and tasteless...leaves you with an empty void feeling, that you cant seem to get rid of....

I often hear people talking about how someone is so smart, they get straight A's; oh, gee that’s a load of crap. Just because someone gets good grades never makes someone intelligent, it has the POTENTIAL to, but it doesn’t mean their intelligent; first off the word intelligent is highly subjective, second people judge others way too much based off grades.

Basing judgments of intelligence off of grades from school, only makes you a judge of a situation and a persons mindset. Your judging your personal bias and placing it into that situation and comparing your mindset to theirs, and if theirs doesn’t work out, then their not good enough. And when I say this I’m talking about schools, colleges, teachers, parents, you guys are the problem.

What's amazing is when I hear people debating about intelligence and they use straight A's and school grades, as a showing of intelligence, I immediately think of how us teenagers (Even I see it, and you ALL know what I’m talking about, even I’ve done it, just to keep a grade), give each other last nights homework because you couldn’t do it, because you were doing something else, or were too lazy, or like for example this summer reading, most people don’t even read it, they get the overall story from someone else, or skim the book, or use spark notes and use the important stuff and then answer the questions in the one hour they have of talking about the book, and then they GET the credit....

Lots of kids don’t really even pay attention in class, we sort of just pay attention to the major details and learn what we have to know, we don’t expand, we don’t imagine with what we’ve learned, we don’t think we could use that information. We take what’s needed for the test and study what’s needed for that test, even the teachers give us papers saying what’s going to be on the test (sometimes, or they say these could just be things that COULD be on the test as well as what will).

We have so much to learn in such a short period of time and memorize it and then test about it, CONSTANTLY, test, test, test. Somehow the U.S. got into this mindset that tests prove everything and then the world fell with the conformity of the U.S.

You want to know why us teenagers are stressed? We're put under the pressure, the pressure to do what EVERYONE ELSE wants, and never do what we want, they say do what you want, but does anyone really mean it? Does anyone really know what that means, or how to achieve it?

When you can't express yourself, open, honestly, and freely, you will never feel that sense of delight, that sense of freedom. If you don’t do things for YOU, if you only do things because people or laws tell you: You can't do what you want to do, so you do something else instead because its wrong(and I’m not talking about killing or breaking into homes), then you have just fell to blind conformity.

Its not just laws either, its morality, morality is almost like a psychological block insisting you do what’s right, from what everyone thinks is right. Not many people accept that there is no such things as right and wrong or question it, because if they accept that or question it, then many of their family, friends, and people they care for might fade away because they could think of you as a "bad" person for not accepting or doing the "right" thing.

Let GO! Accept the truths of the world if you want, but don’t focus so entirely of others, some people will say"well that’s being selfish", but those people are often more depressed inside then everyone else and most confused as well.

We're stressed because we want the truth, we want to be free, we just want to be ourselves.

We want the truth to make sense of it all, and add direction and meaning, to figure out what to do next, based off the truth.

We want to be free, by expressing ourselves, and thus doing what we want, to make ourselves feel better, no matter if that’s opposed by your parents, laws, hierarchs, whatever; Do what YOU want, but be aware of the consequences of what you do, when you do them.

We're stressed because were pressured to conform, to not question, to not do the "wrong" thing according to someone else’s perception, by someone or a group of people have said THIS is "wrong" and your "bad" if you do it. Once we have the freedom to object and ask questions and do the thing we like, were labeled as weird or anarchist, or terrorist, or someone "bad" according to the rest of the conformists. We are then outcasted from society (a nonconformist) and then our sense of this great loving world breaks, which then you are confronted with two options at this point.

1.Either just conform and accept what they are saying as true and be the conformist as the rest
2.Believe what you want, but you will be outcasted and labeled as different.

Most people don’t want to have to go through the second choice because it looks hard and appears more stressful at the initial point of becoming yourself and doing what you want because YOU want to, not because anyone else thinks so(a nonconformist). Most people want the easier and less stressful way so they just accept and try and be what everyone else wants them to be. They thus lose a part of themselves, and can never truly be who they want and have that freeness flowing through your veins. Being free is a mindset, not just a physical standpoint.

To not be stressed, is not complicated....You must first understand what causes stress, learn how stress is being afflicted onto you, and then question and learn how to deal with it. However, its usually a much more complicated process than I just said and often can take years of grueling pain and questioning to understand this; As I have experienced myself...

Self-express is true freedom......

Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.
Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD)


Saturday, August 05, 2006

A New Sense of Enlightenment Final Part (#28)

To FULLY understand the confusions and incomprehensible you must start to see first why its happening, the truth.

I wrote two different Human characteristics sections because I want to show how that because of the Artificial Human characteristics, The Natural Characteristics are usually shunt out completely are condemned by society and the idea of being natural, wild and feeling free, fades away.

Religion is one thing that has for centuries has not allowed people to question things and has TOLD them what is real and what is not, since they were born. If you were born into a religion chances are you have less free will than your non-religious friends, you probably don't question things as often and probably conform WAY more than us free willed born people. You thus have learned to blindly conform, not question and accept the teachings of everything your church has said to be true, and it slowly infects your mind like a virus and when by the time your an adult its hard to change your belief and you cannot see the world realistically. Religious people are more superstitious and believe supernatural things.

Laws restrict many things, obviously, so this one doesn't need much say, the only thing I have a problem with on dealing with laws is how religion is NOT supposed to connect to laws but it does in many indirect seen ways. If you are part of the government you still are a human and you CAN think (what a concept, who knew?) and you usually do things in the government based off of your beliefs and what you think, like religion, morals and beliefs. Now think about higher government positions.

Morals drastically confuse people, if you've been lead your entire life to think that good morals are what everyone SHOULD think, than your no more than societies conformist robot. And conformists usually are the ones to never understand something, because they are lead to believe that something is the only way people do things or think, except that people forget that morals change from person to person. Its Perception that matters, not morals. Thus if you understand that morals are just a way of understanding things and are NOT really/usually the way reality really is, then you can be less confused and understand more of the incomprehensible.

Belief is the main source of all the reckoning of understanding things you cant understand. And also the exact reason why many people claim to understand the truth and seek their future in religion and god. To understand and see reality you must understand the power of belief and that perception is the key to everything (perception is the forefront of psychology).

Whatever it is that you see is just some way of reasoning in your mind that, that's what something is there for, or that's why something is right, or that's why something happens. Religion's reasoning is no different than anyone else's when it comes right down to it. Anything you think is logical or reasonable, really is self-defeating because in the TRUEST essence of reality, anything is just a justification or a reason to do something, or not to do something.

You really don't have a good enough reason because there really isn't one that exists, so that's why you just do what you do. Or at least that's what I do, I know that the only logical reason is that my brain has chemical balances and imbalances and my electrical impulses flying through my brain are telling me what I like and what I don't, that's the only thing I truly do know.

So to understand the reason you do things all you have to understand is you do things just because of perception and belief. (that's what everyone wants to think and that's what gets you the confusion of many things)Your perception is honed through your biological sense of structure and what you perceive. Your Belief is made through environmental structures such as upbringing; learning from school, friends, and parents. The two coupled makes people see and think reality is something that it really isn't.

To understand is the beginning of knowing...


A New Sense of Enlightenment Part 2 (#27)

OK SO, now that you saw the chart I'm going to explain it.

The "Natural Human Characteristics" is the basic human functions and desires (mostly).

Happiness is a function (according to evolutionary psychologists) to serve as a way to feel the urge to strive for that happiness again and again and to provide direction and meaning in your life. Example: You feel happy when your with someone you care for, doing something you like.

Boredom is an insane emotion, I'm not sure the reason as to why we have it, it is almost probably the most natural emotion arising from no needed desires/conflicts to be fulfilled. Boredom comes from not being able to find something to do or something to coexist with conflict. Conflict always keeps your mind going, and usually you come out of conflict (if you survive whatever it is also) feeling better and happier. Some conflicts however say...War are different and just keep you busy, and you may not like them, For example: If your leg gets blown off your not gonna be too happy about that. Read my post about boredom (down a post, its long but hey)

Security meaning that feeling of not being hurt in a way you don't want, being able to control most of your life and having that feeling of secureness.Example:You have your own house, you do what you want in your house.

Confusion is the thing I'm really writing this blog about, confusion is the lack of understanding why something is happening, and you usually have no idea how to solve that confusing problem. This emotion has the possibility of creating other emotions and rationalizations to satisfy or otherwise show the person under confusion the reason something is happening, or how to solve it.


Artificial Human Characteristics are created by humans to otherwise get rid of/prevent the problems and confusions of life or to help understand why these problems are happening.

Religion: I don't care what you say about religion, religion was invented by humans to understand the incomprehensible and to have the answers to all the problems and questions that are evoked from the normal thinking of the human mind. One asks the question why? about anything that seems hard to understand, and the response from religion usually is God works in mysterious ways. That's a way of rationalizing and basically never TRULY understanding why that thing is happening but rather justifying off of something no one knows exists. Its also there as a quelling of fear; fear of death and many other things.

Laws were made to keep a society organized and not to fall in complete disarray.

Morals are complicated, as morals have been derived from religion (but not all morals come from religion), but in the deepest most basic roots morals were created because of emotions and emotional drive, people don't like the idea of people killing people (most of the time) because if you were the one being killed you wouldn't want it, so therefore you feel empathy and do not like that. Morals are just ways of understanding why you do what you do and basically unwritten rules that everyone follows to keep everyone similar in a society or group.

In the best definition I can write with my own words Belief is...
Belief: A Tangent to justify the reason you do what you do, or not do, no more than logical rationalization.......Belief is a hard thing to grasp for some, belief ranges from anything like religion to believing the morals you believe in and that they are OK, like say in your mind its OK to punch someone because they are your enemy. Most people will consider that immoral and will then get a lawmaker to make that illegal. Power of the people huh?

The reason I have these two categories is to show how they separate from each other.



A New Sense of Enlightenment Part 1 (#26)

I've recently seemed to get a clear grasp of who I am, and have bypassed the stage of self identification, and gone to the self actualization phase (coined by maslow).

I've been recently thinking about how many people are confused about life's events, so they then turn to the people they think know the most about life. Which is very, very sad.

The only way a person will start to understand the world and the worlds most confusing events is through themselves, and THEN accepting many of the truths of life.

They can only understand if they believe in themselves, question the things about life themselves and not blindly conform to others views; if people did things because they wanted to, because of their free will, people would understand more in themselves, thus leading to self understanding.

Once you understand who you are and you accept yourself to the fullest most 100% and have no feelings of void in yourself, you have that special sense of wonder flowing through your body, only then can you then learn to accept the truths of life.

One thing on truth, is that the truth NEVER means to be hurtful, delightful, sad, angry, or whatever it is, the truth means to be just their existing just in itself, being itself. So, if you are hurt or feel that the truth is a load of crap, then you must re-evaluate who you are, and whether or not you accept that it is true; question it. Could it really be the truth? What if really is? Or what if its really not?

One thing recently I've been thinking about and studying is human emotions and human naturality and the strive for humans to just be wild and be HUMANS. I've also been studying and researching psychology and the artificial things presented in this world. I recently made a list of things that many people will at a first glance disregard as the truth, but if you listen for a moment to my thinking process you may be astonished to see the results as I was myself.

Natural Human Characteristics <-----> Artificial Human Characteristics

I did much thinking about this the past couple of days (since I've had time to think cause my girfriend is down south...grr) And I thought a lot about WHY there is confusion in life and I've come up with a mini chart about SOME, NOTE: SOME, of the reasons many of the confusions and things in life cant be explained is because of the conflict between these two things.

Some of the terms I use in other ways than just what the word actually means so ill explain my thinking. And by the way these are just some of the things I could think of.

Natural Human Characteristics



Artificial Human Characteristics

