Thursday, May 18, 2006

What I am, section 2(#21)

I am what one would call negative. At least thats what everyone tells me. Well i know thats bullshit, im a very positive person. But that positive person in me is using negativity as a mask, as a disguise..But for what? Many people are very negative and use a "happy", "positive" mask as their disguise when in actuality they are very unstable people. They use this positive, happy mask to cover up weakness, ego, want, pain, ignorance, etc.

These people go at great lengths to try and understand these things or try and solve the problems that they cannot understand. But in doing so many of these happy people do what one could call negative, bad, wrong, etc., to get happiness, to understand, to achieve a sense of identity or intelligence.

Ive had it done to me before in the past. Thats how ive learned about it. Ive gotten picked on in the past and ive had it used against me.

I started noticing it more and more, the ignorance flowing through our society. I started noticing it so much through-out my everyday life and realized that taking the direct front and trying to win ignorance over does not work, not in our world, not in our society, not in on humanity.

The approach I take is the means of getting what one would call "good" by underhandedly being disguised as one of them, learning how they are and striking so discreetly, so covertly, they will never know. At the same time I must openly show the world what it is, how its acting and why; I cannot forcefully impose reality, people must accept it, people must choose it. Ergo its choice, their choice to see reality and learn to see the truth; than to believe false beliefs and lies to an existance that truly exists.

I can only hope a few people understand and stand up with reality.

This world is falling apart through so much that i cannot explain in this blog now, and much of our worlds balance is broken throught the means of technology, massive amounts of people and ignorance.

Ignorance is the ultimate enemy. Ignorance is the balance.

Ignorance is the balance factor, it has always been there; even since the begginning of man. However, ever since ignorance has been forewarded with technology and more people, the balance in our world is unstable, and our world will definitly not survive if balance does not get restored.

In order to keep this balance there must be an unbalancer to keep that. If we cant rid of technology and people. Then we must rid of ignorance, we must stop believing false realities and lies. Someone must stand up against ignorance. Someone must show the world how it is. And hope someone will keep balance after I cannot.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What I Am... (#20)

I decided to post this blog since very few people actually look at my blogs, or even with positive outlooks, im going to post this with hope of actually acomplishing something, or maybe nothing.

What I am...

My Major Goal in life is to help the world better understand itself, to show the world reality as it is, not as the world wants to see it, and to restore and keep balance within our society living on a planet that we call earth...

I am very compassionate and have an uncommon empathy towards everything.
I value truth and intelligence and i try to figure out the truths behind what everyone actually does and why, and what REALITY is, not what people want to see it as.

Ive tried explaining this in words, but it seems hopeless, actions speak louder than words. Ive tried speaking my mind and telling people the reality of this world and what can happen if no one does anything about it, but of course it doesnt matter, because no one admits its the truth, no one sees it, especially till its too late.

As much as i try to inform others about reality, people shut me out, dont care, deny what im saying as true, dont want to worry about it (basically denial and rationaliization). Which ultimately is the main source fueling the problem.

Ignorance is the ultimate enemy. Fear you'd think would be the enemy also...But in reality ignorance is the ultimate enemy.

You always Fear what you dont understand, so essentially fear is ONE MAIN souce of the problem, but if you can learn to confront your fears and face the truth, you'd learn that it isnt the fear, its the misunderstanding, its not facing reality, that ultimately causes the fear. Ignorance....

My goal as i stated is to show people reality and have this world better understand itself through being confronted with the Truth. Many people will deny it as reality, some wont. Im counting on the ones who will learn to accept reality, accept to the world as it is to step up and help keep balance.

I am a teenager and many teenagers say i shouldnt train and worry about what i worry about and focus on what i focus about. I should live like every other normal teenagers and have fun and be happy by doing things i think are enjoyable. I should enjoy relationships and just be a teenager and not worry about the adult world and horrible problems adult face when i get a job and enter the "real" world.

Well the fact of the matter is, most teenagers say this and they also say this to me (in fact I havent heard any teenager I know say this, except one of my friends)....Its not an obligation, its a choice. But what many PEOPLE, not just teenagers fail to see, that with more people in our growing world, more problems will be developed and accelerated to the worst predicaments known to man. Most people say that these can be resolved, but you cant resolve them unless you see reality, Unless ignorance is eliminated. And many people dont even come close to figuring out reality before its too late and you cant do anything about the problem.

And it starts with grow up and still have your teenager thoughts, your underdeveloped mind, and in throughout the phase of trying to learn who you are through experimentation, you actually learn yes...But still have the same ficticious idealogies of what you always thought (superstitions, religion, and disinformation) were reality because you were so busy worrying about the problems you had during realtionships, trying to understand who you are, and getting along with a "crowd"; you never actually developed the part of the brain that uses logic and sees reality...

No one wants to step up to accept reality, or their too ignorant to understand, or fear is holding them back. This is the fuel of the problems..

Im going to sacrifice what everyone else desires and wants in life, (happiness and love) in order to save the things other want, and the things i wish i could have. But in order to make sure those things stay balanced and love and happiness still exists, someone needs to stand up to our growing world.

That is what i am...I am an amassed understanding, empathetic, compassionate person that wishes the same things everyone else does. And many people say they are, but i have my thoughts and they have theirs ( thats another whole blog in itself).

But if everyone says that someone else can worry about the problems we all face and fix the problem for themselfs, no one ever will. They wil grow and become disastrous beyond what anyone sees now.

Thats where I come in.
