Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Problem of the World (#48)

A free person is only a free person if they are able to think freely and act freely. But what does freedom consist of? It seems that the fundamental characteristics of a free person, or a free society harbor these qualities:

-Freedom of thought

When the freedom of thinking is controlled by entities such as absolute principles, organizations, governments, religions, it becomes what is known as dogma. Dogma is a set of prescribed principles that tell you how to assume or think about something without giving any sort of reason or evidence to why that something is a principle. In short, dogma is nothing more than something "telling you how and why to think" without any reason.

Surprisingly most people are controlled by some form of system of principles; dogma. This is where being a skeptic is important, because almost anything can be considered dogma if it is held to be an absolute for all of society. Dogma is merely just another system of control that limits individual freedoms at an astounding level in every facet of our society.

Accepting principles without evidence or reason makes you nothing more than a confused sheep looking for a path to follow. The herd then controls your thoughts, and by controlling your thoughts, controls your actions.

My fear about our society is of ignorance. Ignorance controlled nations for centuries, it controlled societies, it controlled people, it controlled everything. Ignorance and fear are the ultimate controlling forms of persuasion, and combined together they faciltate the control of large masses of people, socities, nations, global powers. My fear is that thinking and philosophy is starting to be looked at in a negative way. Thinking is becoming the uncool and weird thing to do in "normal" social situations.

Some examples of societies that are known to be deprived of intelligence and manipulated by fear:
-North Korea (modern)
-Cuba (I dont think its as bad as it used to be)
-The former Soviet Union (for obvious reasons)
-Germany during the WWII era
-Aztecs-China (Not as bad as it used to be)

And of course there are many more, but I just threw up a list of some more commonly known societies that have been controlled and manipulated by ignorance and fear.

My greatest fear is that the United States and many other nations, and more importantly the world is starting to become a controlled entity on the national and global level. Looking at the list I created above, those nations used ignorance to lessen any opposition they might have on trying to control their society. Then they instill fear with physical force, to make way for their ultimate control.

Our modern day Pop-culture creates and actually encourages ignorance and stupidity. There is nothing in modern day pop-culture that encourages science, reasoning, thinking, language, politics, or government. The modern pop-culture does a good job of creating a "stupid environment" that demotes any form of free thinking or creativity of an individual.

This stupifying is whats done to any country that is under control by a controlling government, but in the United States case (and many other places), the stupifying is done by the culture itself. How ironic. I'm sure most controlling societies would long for this passive ignorance. This stupification renders the country perfectly to be controlled by simple dogmatic thought by any organization or government. Added with ignorance, the fear is present as well. There is much less abstract thinking occuring in social situations, and because of such much more people conform blindly to the majorities will for fear of ostracization and being outcasted. Modern cultural norms are the new "old religious propoganda".

Because the United States is becoming more and more ignorant I feel that our freedoms are being withered away.


Blogger Ranjith said...

well i didn't read the whole thing... i feel u're reciting the theory built up by all those people who thought they were free thinkers.. reciting something by someone is no free thinking!!!

i couldn't read the whole thing.. so sorry if i'm mistaken above.. liked the name of your blog but.. :)

September 05, 2009  
Blogger Ranjith said...

and hey, no intention to offend you! a second comment explanation cause i'm no free thinker, i'm bound to those actions i did previosly..

September 05, 2009  

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