Saturday, August 05, 2006

A New Sense of Enlightenment Part 2 (#27)

OK SO, now that you saw the chart I'm going to explain it.

The "Natural Human Characteristics" is the basic human functions and desires (mostly).

Happiness is a function (according to evolutionary psychologists) to serve as a way to feel the urge to strive for that happiness again and again and to provide direction and meaning in your life. Example: You feel happy when your with someone you care for, doing something you like.

Boredom is an insane emotion, I'm not sure the reason as to why we have it, it is almost probably the most natural emotion arising from no needed desires/conflicts to be fulfilled. Boredom comes from not being able to find something to do or something to coexist with conflict. Conflict always keeps your mind going, and usually you come out of conflict (if you survive whatever it is also) feeling better and happier. Some conflicts however say...War are different and just keep you busy, and you may not like them, For example: If your leg gets blown off your not gonna be too happy about that. Read my post about boredom (down a post, its long but hey)

Security meaning that feeling of not being hurt in a way you don't want, being able to control most of your life and having that feeling of secureness.Example:You have your own house, you do what you want in your house.

Confusion is the thing I'm really writing this blog about, confusion is the lack of understanding why something is happening, and you usually have no idea how to solve that confusing problem. This emotion has the possibility of creating other emotions and rationalizations to satisfy or otherwise show the person under confusion the reason something is happening, or how to solve it.


Artificial Human Characteristics are created by humans to otherwise get rid of/prevent the problems and confusions of life or to help understand why these problems are happening.

Religion: I don't care what you say about religion, religion was invented by humans to understand the incomprehensible and to have the answers to all the problems and questions that are evoked from the normal thinking of the human mind. One asks the question why? about anything that seems hard to understand, and the response from religion usually is God works in mysterious ways. That's a way of rationalizing and basically never TRULY understanding why that thing is happening but rather justifying off of something no one knows exists. Its also there as a quelling of fear; fear of death and many other things.

Laws were made to keep a society organized and not to fall in complete disarray.

Morals are complicated, as morals have been derived from religion (but not all morals come from religion), but in the deepest most basic roots morals were created because of emotions and emotional drive, people don't like the idea of people killing people (most of the time) because if you were the one being killed you wouldn't want it, so therefore you feel empathy and do not like that. Morals are just ways of understanding why you do what you do and basically unwritten rules that everyone follows to keep everyone similar in a society or group.

In the best definition I can write with my own words Belief is...
Belief: A Tangent to justify the reason you do what you do, or not do, no more than logical rationalization.......Belief is a hard thing to grasp for some, belief ranges from anything like religion to believing the morals you believe in and that they are OK, like say in your mind its OK to punch someone because they are your enemy. Most people will consider that immoral and will then get a lawmaker to make that illegal. Power of the people huh?

The reason I have these two categories is to show how they separate from each other.




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