Saturday, August 05, 2006

A New Sense of Enlightenment Final Part (#28)

To FULLY understand the confusions and incomprehensible you must start to see first why its happening, the truth.

I wrote two different Human characteristics sections because I want to show how that because of the Artificial Human characteristics, The Natural Characteristics are usually shunt out completely are condemned by society and the idea of being natural, wild and feeling free, fades away.

Religion is one thing that has for centuries has not allowed people to question things and has TOLD them what is real and what is not, since they were born. If you were born into a religion chances are you have less free will than your non-religious friends, you probably don't question things as often and probably conform WAY more than us free willed born people. You thus have learned to blindly conform, not question and accept the teachings of everything your church has said to be true, and it slowly infects your mind like a virus and when by the time your an adult its hard to change your belief and you cannot see the world realistically. Religious people are more superstitious and believe supernatural things.

Laws restrict many things, obviously, so this one doesn't need much say, the only thing I have a problem with on dealing with laws is how religion is NOT supposed to connect to laws but it does in many indirect seen ways. If you are part of the government you still are a human and you CAN think (what a concept, who knew?) and you usually do things in the government based off of your beliefs and what you think, like religion, morals and beliefs. Now think about higher government positions.

Morals drastically confuse people, if you've been lead your entire life to think that good morals are what everyone SHOULD think, than your no more than societies conformist robot. And conformists usually are the ones to never understand something, because they are lead to believe that something is the only way people do things or think, except that people forget that morals change from person to person. Its Perception that matters, not morals. Thus if you understand that morals are just a way of understanding things and are NOT really/usually the way reality really is, then you can be less confused and understand more of the incomprehensible.

Belief is the main source of all the reckoning of understanding things you cant understand. And also the exact reason why many people claim to understand the truth and seek their future in religion and god. To understand and see reality you must understand the power of belief and that perception is the key to everything (perception is the forefront of psychology).

Whatever it is that you see is just some way of reasoning in your mind that, that's what something is there for, or that's why something is right, or that's why something happens. Religion's reasoning is no different than anyone else's when it comes right down to it. Anything you think is logical or reasonable, really is self-defeating because in the TRUEST essence of reality, anything is just a justification or a reason to do something, or not to do something.

You really don't have a good enough reason because there really isn't one that exists, so that's why you just do what you do. Or at least that's what I do, I know that the only logical reason is that my brain has chemical balances and imbalances and my electrical impulses flying through my brain are telling me what I like and what I don't, that's the only thing I truly do know.

So to understand the reason you do things all you have to understand is you do things just because of perception and belief. (that's what everyone wants to think and that's what gets you the confusion of many things)Your perception is honed through your biological sense of structure and what you perceive. Your Belief is made through environmental structures such as upbringing; learning from school, friends, and parents. The two coupled makes people see and think reality is something that it really isn't.

To understand is the beginning of knowing...



Blogger Hershal said...

I must say that you are little confused about the reality of religion.

Religion, in the sense of your description, is the modern-yet not so modern form of religion.

Religion is consists of ethics, not laws.

Religion guides you, never rules you.

It is different that some or many people today, have lost the real essence of religion and are taking it as a guideline to heaven and personal benefits. And have let the blind beliefs and superstitions creep into their deaf minds.

But truely, religion guides you through life, towards love, beauty and satisfaction.

I had rejected religion some time back and started following my own. My religion is to keep my conscience scratchless and never do anything that will lead to frustration in the future. But while following my religion, I found it was a lot same as Hinduism/ Buddhism/ Islam/ Christianity.

Certainly, there were certain differences. Majority of which form the rituals. Rituals, I find are not necessary. This somewhat relates to barking in the statement "Barking dogs don't bite". But here, some of the barking dogs do bite.

I hope you could digest what I cooked, if you couldn't then please comment back!

August 13, 2006  
Blogger Hershal said...

"A New Sense of Enlightenment"

The Subject you've taken is too vast to get justified in a single post.

There are so many separate ideas in this single post that it is not judicious to put them under a single heading. The flow of your writing gets discontinued at several places.

I'll repeat my words again :

I hope you could digest what I cooked, if you couldn't......shoot back your thoughts!

August 13, 2006  
Blogger Hershal said...

"The Natural Characteristics are usually shunt out completely, are condemned by society and the idea of being natural, wild and feeling free, fades away."

............mimicking you but.....

here's a quote in formation!

August 13, 2006  
Blogger Kartik said...

Conformity and religion shouldn't be confused as being related. Though someone can be religious as a result of a desire to conform, non-conformity in a sense is conformity too. Everyone knows about Rock/metal fans with tattoos and leather. Wrt society they are non-conformist, however they adhere strictly to the ideal rocker/metal head image.
many atheists tend to be non-conformist, however you confuse cause with effect. Such people chose atheism as a result of their desire to rebel, not that they are non-conformists because they are atheists.
Sure Atheists tend to be less bigoted than their religious counterparts, buts that's because we have to be able to be slightly flexible to reject religion.
To be an atheist, simply to express non-conformity is not a very good reason either, because such atheists tend to be blind in their beliefs (or lack of beliefs) too.
Confomity and religion are two separate intrinsic human impulses. We tend to seek religion and conformity in society. They are integral components of society though, i doubt their relavance in modern society. They are atavisms of our tribal past that today cause more harm than good.
Anyway it was refreshing to see an Indian forwarding the cause of atheism and free-thought. Nice work

September 01, 2006  
Blogger RXslair said...

First off katrik, im not indian, im american, second, many people confuse nonconformists, with rebellion, rebelling is the essence of conforming to the opposite of conformity, doing the opposite, but on purpose.

A nonconformist is usually a minority because of his or her thoughts, views, expressions. They dont choose to be different, it just happens that way.

I dont choose to not be with the majority, i am just being myself and doing what i like, thinking what i like and doing what I WANT to do;and because of that im a nonconformist as i am often singled out as "different" or "weird" or whatever.

I should also clarify in what i meant by conformity, i make it sound severely negative; but im meaning blind conformity, the idea of following others without using your own input as whether you would follow it or not. Conforming to what YOU LIKE to do is perfectly fine, but if someone says..

"Dude join football, youd like it, youd be good at it"

Inferencing that i would like football, because, i just would, or id like it because id be good at it, doesnt mean ill actually like it, but many people get their views and opinions off of others opinions, whereas i like to get mine from my own thoughts.

September 01, 2006  

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