Sunday, October 22, 2006

Nothing matters. Now what? (#34)

I hate things today; My reason has seemed to disappear entirely, I feel sick, I am sick, i'm sad, i'm aggrivated. I'm sad and agrrivated at the world for not realizing that it's us, ourselves, that are ultimatly destroying ourselves.

We can fix it if everyone tried, but no one tries. The post-modern ideal of do nothing, and care about nothing, because everything is meaningless, is self destructive, and does nothing to progress anything, but come on, I mean thats pointless as well, so why do anything?

I understand the fact that everything is meaningless, so why do I act like an impeccable warrior all the same? Well, because I can. Why not? If, in the end result everything is the same when it comes down to it, why sit here and be depressed, or kill myself, or do drugs and destroy things that I could care about, when instead I could do something about anything because we hold the ability to do something about anything.

Progression is something I value, that has arisen out of the fact that everything is meaningless. Back to a quote I made along time ago...

"If everything matters, why do anything? If nothing matters, why do nothing?"

It's odd too, because I don't dislike post-modernism, I actually share many views and ideals of post-modernism, but it's the fact that so many other people do, BUT DO NOTHING in life, is something that really pisses me off.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."-Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss)


Friday, October 20, 2006

Progression and Conformity (#33)

I hate conformity. Conformity is way too easy; conforming to the standard, normal, traditional, conventional standards, only proves that you have what it takes to do what others say, you are a good follower. Conformity never progresses a society, it does but one thing, allows people to break away from the conventional standards and become something entirely different...and the ones that realize this are the ones who achieve that..

Good followers, especially those of the conformist society, rarely break the conventional wisdom barrier and because of that, rarely strive to go above and beyond the layered foundation of knowledge and ability that is not presented to them, unless that is of course, they learn that you have to break away from the norms presented to--your what is and what isnt normal, and what is right and what isnt, what is conventional, and what isnt--in order to strive to self actualize or to better improve yourself and the world around you.

I recently remember someone in one of my classes asking my teacher
"Why are all the smart people and people that shape history all weird?"

Wow...gee, I wonder, logic people, logic; the ones to break past the conventional knowledge and standards are the ones to question and analyze things and understand the complexities because of that questioning and analyzing.

To overcome the conventional standards, you have to break away from that standard "normal" mentality--be prepared to be called weird--and see yourself as you WANT to see yourself, and look into the mirrors of your deceit, and break them. You must find your TRUE self concept, who you really are, what you really want out of life and why, what you think about and why, find your drives and fufill them, do not surpress them, that only adds to confusion. Once you find what you really are, the true human in you, then the need complexities to know why and how of purpose and existance seems to arise.

Humans tend to think in terms of patterns, were objective, and we need purpose; we dont know why, we just do. Many times people think, that to figure the things out in life, to figure out the unknown mysteries and the complexities of life, we can understand these unknowns by conventional, standard, normal ways of thinking, the stuff that the majority presents; that's the stuff that's obviously correct, right?

The problem is, were human, and many of us don't, and can't accept the facts and concepts of existance and purpose of the why were really here, and that these concepts are true. The Theist's argument is that there has to be a purpose, I mean if there wasnt, why live? Why not? The Atheist argument is: There is no purpose in life, and life is essentially meaningless, we live because we do, were forced to live, and yes, you can take your life, but thats your choice. We live for the now.

The arguments can be reduced down to the same understanding and meanings, unless you add absolute axioms provided to you be your society, :-D, and then those axioms would have to accepted through your own thoughts and imagination.

Either way, to become better in all ways, physically and mentally, you eventually attain the question of what if there is no god like control over humanity (no god). In this century, we have enough knowledge and proof to see that there may not be a reason or purpose to exist. From what i've seen, the non-conventional thinkers are ultimatly the great geniuses, and they are the ones who have invented inventions that accentuate our society and ourselves, or figured out more things about human nature then previously thought, through their ability of imagination and non-conventional thinking.

Conformity produces good followers and often we need "ants" to work the lower and massive amount of jobs that ultimatly were invented and dictated to help society as a whole by the non-conformists, the ones who invented those new things. In order to progress our knowledge and ability, we have to be able to think outside the box. So, to sum up:

-Confomist "ants" are needed to work for the society, to do jobs that the non-conformists dont do. They often do the grunt work and easy work provided to them by the non-conformists.

-The non-conformists are the ones to usually break the conventional standards and invent and progress the knowledge of society by using their imaginative, creative, weird, unconventional thoughts.

-Seemingly, conformity and non-conformity intertwine to create a balance and upward spirals of progression to the society as a whole; but heres the stumper, progression to what?

-Finding your true self concept is one of the most important thing to the steps of self actualization, and usually is the climax that most people never get past, to get to self actualization.

-Most "genuises" or "influentual" people in history and society have been "weird", non-conformists, radical, unconventional, whatever you wan to call them, they thought outside of the box.

-The most influential people are generally undergoing self actualization and question and analyze, they observe.

-The unconventional thinking produces change and questioning, which in turn breaks the normal and conventional barrier to create the new knowledge and ideas, in which that spark progression and building of foundation of knowledge.

"Public opinion is a weak tyrant compared with our own private opinion. What a man thinks of himself, that is which determines, or rather indicates, his fate."
~Henry David Thoreau


Monday, October 09, 2006


Radical...They are radical...He is radical...You think your so radical...

I've heard this word word used quite a bit lately, but what does that word really mean? What does the sentence "He is radical" even mean? People use it and everyone around them just agrees that, thats what the word means; stupid groupthink...

Lately, ive been hearing criticism of my personality, and North Korea and their "defiant acts". (Personally I think its stupid for Korea to get Nukes, but why do other nations get to tell another nation what to do? If we're all supposudly supposed to be living in a free world, how come the United States and other nations have the ability to control nations thoughts and their abilities of what they can and cannot do?)

Now personally, if anyone uses the word Radical anymore, I swear, i'm going to go insane. I ask people when they use words to define what that word means, because rarely do people ever use words in context (I myself have had this problem before, so this is why I question others). And you often rarely find people that question the meaning or use of a word. Politicians or critics often use a word somewhat (or actually) in context, then later on as they keep using the word, they distort it way out of context.

The original use (meaning in context) of a word becomes the symbol that the word exemplifies. Later on, if you label anything or anyone with that particular word, people will just associate that person or thing and stereotype that individual or object with that symbol in mind (and then they become the word). It doesnt mean that the use of the word was correct, or even the labeling was correct, often times both are incorrect.

The world radical, defined by

1.of or going to the root or origin; fundamental: a radical difference.
2.thoroughgoing or extreme, esp. as regards change from accepted or traditional forms: a radical change in the policy of a company.
3.favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms: radical ideas; radical and anarchistic ideologues.
4.forming a basis or foundation.

5.existing inherently in a thing or person: radical defects of character.
a.pertaining to or forming a root.
b.denoting or pertaining to the radical sign.
c.irrational (def. 5b).
7.Grammar. of or pertaining to a root.
8.Botany. of or arising from the root or the base of the stem. –noun
9.a person who holds or follows strong convictions or extreme principles; extremist.
a person who advocates fundamental political, economic, and social reforms by direct and often uncompromising methods.
a.a quantity expressed as a root of another quantity.
b.the set of elements of a ring, some power of which is contained in a given ideal.
c.radical sign.
12.Chemistry. (def. 3). radical.
13.Grammar. root (def. 11).
14.(in Chinese writing) one of 214 ideographic elements used in combination with phonetics to form thousands of different characters.

The ones that I Bolded are the ones most frequently used, and often distorted or misused in context...

1.of or going to the root or origin; fundamental

This is implying that radical means going to the original or root.

2.thoroughgoing or extreme, esp. as regards change from accepted or traditional forms

This implies that radical means change from the ACCEPTED or TRADITIONAL forms. Accepted and traditional would be the majority or cultural point of view.

3.favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms

This implies that being radical is favoring an extreme political economic or social reform...Whatever extreme means....

4.forming a basis or foundation.

This often implies that being radical means creating new foundations or basis's.

Words are often thrown out of proportion, I extremely hate it when people throw words or meanings out of proprtion, and use it for their own benefit. Like the word Terrorist...

The reason I hate it when people mess around with semantics and syntax, is because once you master that ability to persuade others into thinking you are correct, then you throw words out of line, out of context, and thus are literally manipulating individuals thoughts and ideas; mind manipulation.

Why cant people think for themselves? Rather than having others tell you what is and what isnt?


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Violence and Punishment(#31)

-Violence is the physical act of altering, hurting, and treatment of something or someone.

-Punishment is used to have someone obey norms, standards, rules, or laws.

Is violence nessecary? When is it necessary?

I seem to find that violence is nessecary for one ultimatum standard: It satisfies the id, ego or superego of a person, sometimes all 3 or combinations of the latter (if you dont know what that is, do some research on Frued). Sidenote: There are also times when it is nessecary for certain rare situations to use violence, but that is not the point of this.

It ultimatly satifies a persons desire of some sort, to get something satisfy something, or feel something, whether that is power, fear, resentment, hatred, whatever. I seem to find that violence is a natural human characteristic, as most people do something violent in their lifetime. But what causes that person to do something violent? What causes that person to stop doing violent things? Well, it depends on the desire.

If you desired others to fear you, for whatever reason, lets say for hypothetical reasons, that you got picked on and wanted others to fear you, so they wouldnt pick on you. So lets say you've been working out a lot to the point where you can bench 500 pounds and everyone is talking about how buff you are, and how big you are, and no one seems to pick on you, because when they do, if they would try, you just shove them to the ground. You have instilled fear upon them.
Slowly you will get over that CRAVING for presenting that fear to others, and go on to satisfy some other desire like in maslows pyramid of hierarchy (again, do some research if you dont know what that is). Violant tendancies exist naturally just like many other things, and they seem to go away or come back depending on extremes or situations.

Violence doesnt just mean physical acts does it? Doesnt yelling hurtful names or threatening someone, or use of words to coherce, manipulate, or otherwise hurt someone else make them violent? I guess in sense, yes, per-se, it is violent, but now we're defining something different, but nevertheless it is violent and hurtful, and violence is usually intended for someone or something else to be hurt or physically altered.

Punishment is used, for a long time, and still is, punishment in the form of violence. Corporal punishment and capitol punishment are still used today. To lay the foundation, Corporal punishment is the physical act of hurting someone to otherwise coherce, discipline, or have them obey a particular standard, norm, rule, law, whatever.

Corporal punishment is still around, it may always be; parents use it to "discipline" their kids on what is right and wrong. I laugh at that type of logical thinking. Corporal punishment is violent, and it is hurtful. It never teaches moral lessons, or real reasons to WHY something happens, it never teaches or explains WHY, but rather it teaches pain and fear. It teaches you to fear that pain, and to not have this pain again, don't do that "bad" thing again, it is "wrong".

Corporal punishment never explains why, or questions the thoughts of what its own actions do, it never means to explain or analyze, just to follow blindly, to conform blindly, to do or not to do this particular thing, because it is "wrong".

Kids who grow up on corporal punishment actually learn to use this fear and type of thinking. To use physical or emotional pain, to have someone fear them, so that way they could get what they need or want, whether that is to satisfy their anger for the day by beating the crap out of you for no particular reason, or to make you seem un-cool to everyone so you'd have to conform to his thinking to seem cool, to blend in with the crowd, so you wont be socially outcasted, or maybe intimidating you to give him some money, to get some food.

Violence breeds more violence, negative thoughts breed more negative thoughts.

Can violence and negativity be beneficial to an indivdual or society or both?
