Monday, October 09, 2006


Radical...They are radical...He is radical...You think your so radical...

I've heard this word word used quite a bit lately, but what does that word really mean? What does the sentence "He is radical" even mean? People use it and everyone around them just agrees that, thats what the word means; stupid groupthink...

Lately, ive been hearing criticism of my personality, and North Korea and their "defiant acts". (Personally I think its stupid for Korea to get Nukes, but why do other nations get to tell another nation what to do? If we're all supposudly supposed to be living in a free world, how come the United States and other nations have the ability to control nations thoughts and their abilities of what they can and cannot do?)

Now personally, if anyone uses the word Radical anymore, I swear, i'm going to go insane. I ask people when they use words to define what that word means, because rarely do people ever use words in context (I myself have had this problem before, so this is why I question others). And you often rarely find people that question the meaning or use of a word. Politicians or critics often use a word somewhat (or actually) in context, then later on as they keep using the word, they distort it way out of context.

The original use (meaning in context) of a word becomes the symbol that the word exemplifies. Later on, if you label anything or anyone with that particular word, people will just associate that person or thing and stereotype that individual or object with that symbol in mind (and then they become the word). It doesnt mean that the use of the word was correct, or even the labeling was correct, often times both are incorrect.

The world radical, defined by

1.of or going to the root or origin; fundamental: a radical difference.
2.thoroughgoing or extreme, esp. as regards change from accepted or traditional forms: a radical change in the policy of a company.
3.favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms: radical ideas; radical and anarchistic ideologues.
4.forming a basis or foundation.

5.existing inherently in a thing or person: radical defects of character.
a.pertaining to or forming a root.
b.denoting or pertaining to the radical sign.
c.irrational (def. 5b).
7.Grammar. of or pertaining to a root.
8.Botany. of or arising from the root or the base of the stem. –noun
9.a person who holds or follows strong convictions or extreme principles; extremist.
a person who advocates fundamental political, economic, and social reforms by direct and often uncompromising methods.
a.a quantity expressed as a root of another quantity.
b.the set of elements of a ring, some power of which is contained in a given ideal.
c.radical sign.
12.Chemistry. (def. 3). radical.
13.Grammar. root (def. 11).
14.(in Chinese writing) one of 214 ideographic elements used in combination with phonetics to form thousands of different characters.

The ones that I Bolded are the ones most frequently used, and often distorted or misused in context...

1.of or going to the root or origin; fundamental

This is implying that radical means going to the original or root.

2.thoroughgoing or extreme, esp. as regards change from accepted or traditional forms

This implies that radical means change from the ACCEPTED or TRADITIONAL forms. Accepted and traditional would be the majority or cultural point of view.

3.favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms

This implies that being radical is favoring an extreme political economic or social reform...Whatever extreme means....

4.forming a basis or foundation.

This often implies that being radical means creating new foundations or basis's.

Words are often thrown out of proportion, I extremely hate it when people throw words or meanings out of proprtion, and use it for their own benefit. Like the word Terrorist...

The reason I hate it when people mess around with semantics and syntax, is because once you master that ability to persuade others into thinking you are correct, then you throw words out of line, out of context, and thus are literally manipulating individuals thoughts and ideas; mind manipulation.

Why cant people think for themselves? Rather than having others tell you what is and what isnt?



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