Friday, September 01, 2006

The War (#30)

What is war? Is war just a physical conflict of power? What is war defined as?

Many governments (or groups and organizations, however you want to put it) now-a-days, say they fight for something, they reason that they have a legitimate reason to fight in a war. But is there really any reason for something? Or is that reason, just a justification to go to war in the first place? But then why would they lie-to us and themselves-just to fight in a conflict?

Many times, the people, that give the order to go to war, never even fight in a war. Do they know what its like exactly? Probably not, I cant say I do, but I can say that conflict changes in different times and circumstances. Thus, anyone in any war has different experiences, but on the general level of warfare, I have not experienced real combat, real killing.

However this is not about government warfare against government warfare. There is a war brewing inside our lives, in each of our groups, our countries, our governments, our minds. This war is not but of physical, but of mental. This war is a psychological struggle of the blind conformity, morality, and standard social agreements, of the majority, of the powers, on the minds of a society, of a world full of apathy that wants to understand it all. In essence, manipulation: whether its inadvertent or forceful.

There are words used to define an absolute understanding of a particular "wrong' and "right". The US seemed to really coin the term "terrorist" as many other words have been used in the past; like Nazi, communist, heretic, evildoer, witch. Many words people just blindly accept as a way of understanding right and wrong, through a hierarch or a highly respected member of a society; they blindly accept that definition, without thought, without question.

The word terrorist is nothing more to a government than a person who tries to inflict physical or mental harm onto a country to implace their ideas of what they think, a radicalistic way of doing things? Maybe, but then again, the patriots in the revolution (of the US) and people of the renaissance were considered the same, and many times throughout history, at the time, the majority labeled them as a type of "wrong", a type of "terrorist", and did things like killing those people, excommunicating them, placing them in jail, until they conform (or are eliminated) to the norm of the standards set in place by that specific laws of that government or ideal. Terrorist is just a word, it means nothing until you spell it into context, its nothing more than a bully to a 6th graders mind, or a shark to a fishes mind. Terrorism, this war on terrorism is just a way of defining ways to go to war and to make reasons to do things AGAINST these "terrorists". When in actuality the word terrorist is highly subjective; and this word, and the reason we fight this new war on terrorism, has almost no standards of stopping, or ending, because you can label people as POTENTIAL terrorist, or label other governments as terroristic-like and then have the ignorance of the people agree, and thus go to war against these "terrorists"

Defining by dictionary standards terrorism is (by

1. The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. For political purposes.
2. The state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization.
3. A terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.

There is a war, but its not just physical, its not just in Iraq, or Africa, or Israel, or a war on terrorism. This war is in our world, in our minds, this war, is the war of ideas. It always has been and always will be the greatest reason of why wars and conflicts happen. It is a conflict of ideas, its never based off of a reason that's legitimate. Whats legitimate? How do you define what reasons there are, to GO to war? Many people say defending themselves, yet the countries that have said that, have nearly always done preemptive strikes, against *that* country that will hurt them.

This war is in the conflict of lack of understanding. Its powerful-persuasive, blindly conformist, type of people, preaching their thoughts, their ideologies, and then the people just accept that as the truth. The only truth is, is defined by yourself, and YOUR OWN mind, not imposed by others. This war is a war of apathy, and its in the US, all around us, people believing and accepting blindly that "this war on terrorism" can be ended, when in actuality we cant even define it, therefore it can have no end, and have no hindrance that of which a government can control.

Everyone talks about how freedom is always desired, maybe it is. But imposing freedom onto others, by going into other countries and using that as the reason, is no more than going into a country and oppressing them. Apparently, you will like freedom, whether you like it or not, and you will take freedom, even if the government has to kill you for it, because as we all know that freedom is the "right" thing; at least the terrorists wont get you.

"Your free to do what your told" ~Quote by Nick*Tek-69* (as he wanted me to put it as)



Blogger Hershal said...

hmmm....looking at the word "war" at a different perspective:

war is a conflict
between two truths, two ideologies, (staunch)strict.

truths are not absolute,
they are relative, a warring brute
is mindless to understand,
how high does einstein stand.

two truths not always warr,
sometimes, the warring parties are
real devils or a devil 'n a goodie
who are far from being each other's buddy.

whatever be the reason,
war is a consequence of treason.
consequence of which has never been
a calmly, worth seeing scene.

September 24, 2006  

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