Sunday, January 22, 2006

Human Element of Opposition (#16)

The natural human element that strives in us all (generally in different ways) is the ability to make something an "enemy" and strive to destroy that enemy.

Us humans label even the smallest things as "bad", "enemy". That's why you get angry at something. Pet peeves are little things you hate, but you wish they weren't their. You hate certain people for whatever reason and always say to yourself if that person would ever come around me or my family I would....It doesn't matter what you would do, its the fact that you have a enemy is what I'm trying to prove.

Everyone has something they hate and try to make better everytime they come face to face with it. But if they complete their task they will always try to label something else "enemy" to strive against.

This natural human property happens (ability to oppose something) for whatever "scientific" reason. But all I know is that there never can be no "bad" in your life; no "evil", no "opposition".

Lets say (hypothetically), that the world had one problem. Lets say the worlds problem was garbage. Lets say that's the only problem (everyone else gets along and there is no war and anything), lets just say.

Anyhow you would scour the earth in search of garbage because you hate that problem and try to rid of it.
But you just trying to rid of it might cause problems in itself. Burning it creates atmosphere problems. So you find other ways to deal with it (a problem in itself) and then your quest for garbage would never end.
And lets say you somehow figured out a way for people to get rid of garbage in their house without doing anything. Your job would be complete. Now what? You sit around your house day and night. Not doing anything with rush, with adrenaline, without reasoning.

So now your bored, what now? Well being bored is a problem in itself.

Generally when people tend to be bored they tend to make things happen, whether they are "bad" or "good". People vandalise, cause problems just to justify their problem (being bored). Make the problem of having no problems go away. And in effect of creating problems, they create problems for other people, once again supplying meaning into lives of others and themselves.

The human mind seems to label things as bad and enemy to oppose themselves, further separating themselves. Giving meaning, giving purpose. The human mind craves purpose. For whatever reason, it just does.

In our world its Mann gegan Mann with opposition. It has happened for thousands of years in history, wars were started just because the king could. Other times kings and dictators would make reasons as to why (religious, security, social). But there really isn't a reason other than just because...

It seems to wrong to certain people to kill and start wars (I'm with you there) but to some people certain people don't care, as long it doesn't affect them. Think about the holocaust millions of Jews were killed and you've heard stories and seen movies; close, if not exact to what they did. (everytime I watch something like that it pisses me off) I ask why would they do that? But the truth is they say the exact same thing. It the same reason I care. The same reason they don't.

The human property, element, desire, whatever you want to call it; is there. Opposition. It always has been, always will be. Whether its the smallest thing (pet peeves, the color blue, whatever) or the biggest thing (killing, destruction, etc.). People will always label people, things happening as "enemy" and once they do they wont stop to try and get rid of it. Once they do, they go on to something else.

Opposition. It gives us separation of being someone different. Gives us meaning, gives us purpose.

Quote~There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your heart's desire. The other is to get it. George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950), "Man and Superman" (1903), act 4


Friday, January 20, 2006

Hate of the world (#15)


Everytime I see one thing that pisses me off. It always somehow connects to the other things I hate. Always. My anger grows every moment im ticked off, my thinking makes it grow worse and worse, then people get in the way. And then I get pissed.

Yet what pisses me off the first place...?

I hate when so called "good" people claim and explain how they are good and use their "good" things to do good to the world. Yet what they dont see is what bad things they do. Clearly Most people dont know what real good even is. (see my post #12)


Family anf friends claiming that I am a loser for staying inside on a friday night after finals. Why dont you go out and party and have fun like the rest of the teenagers? If you just went out you might have fun and be a happier person. Staying inside and being a loser will in the end make you grow up and have a bad life.

Let me first start of by saying THIS REALLY PISSES ME OFF.

Saying THAT I AM SOMETHING, a loser. Is one hell of a steriotype. So apparently im a loser because I do things I WANT to do and avoid the things I HATE. Saying that im a loser, only makes me more pissed off to prove to that there is no such thing as a loser.

Like the rest of the teenagers? So family, friends, teachers. First you claim that there shouldnt be peer pressure and "encourge" us not too fall under the horrors of it. Yet the next moment telling me I should go have fun and conform to social outings. IF I WANT TO, I would.

If i went out to have what you call "fun", clearly I dont think it is. Saying it is, doesnt make me belive it. I know what I like, why and how. I hate parties and social teenage functions where they get out of hand. And that happens quite a bit these days.

And how does it prove that because im supposudly unhappy to your view that ill grow up and have a bad life? OBVIOUSLY your the one making me (in your view) have the bad life by stating all this, pissing me off more, by trying to do "good" trying to "help", obviously you dont know what the terms help or good imply. Good is a form of whatever you belive makes you happy and feel excited. Help doesnt mean telling me what to think or do. But rather Guiding what I think to make me understand myself better.

Maybe I just wanted to stay in today, or maybe I wanted to not go out and do something here? Is that a problem? I have things I like to do, that I consider fun inside my house, and I would do stuff outside my house. But generally no one else thinks that is FUN. At least no one I know. What do i think is fun? Well thats my business but the fact still stand that whatever i consider fun , is to me.

Its sad that even So called adults even do this. Even friends, or family.

And back to my original statement. One thing that ticks me off, leads to another. After being pissed off about this, only leads me to grow stronger hatred against it. And Then it always somehow ends up connecting to other things I hate.

Steriotyping my first leads to peer pressure peer pressure leads to uneducated decisions. Unedcuated decisions leads to stupidness, which leads to anger, which leades to violence, which leads to death, and unhappiness.

Enough of that could potentially corrupt and contradict what it is we think at first.

I hate peer pressure, steriotypes, stupid decisions (especially without cause or sufficiant reasoning behind it), anger usually leads to even less compromising and reasoning, and violence leads to death. And I hate death. I am personally not afraid of it, I hate it done to others. Dying naturally or dying the way you want to die, thats cool. But dying without your concent or naturally.....Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! That ticks me off!!!!

Quote ~ To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe. Marilyn vos Savant


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Brain-Washing" (From a book of mine) (#14)

Brainwashing has been defined as: Intensive propoganda techniques that are applied under conditions of stress/or coercive persuasion, during which an individual is confronted by conditions deliberately designed to undermine his morale and make him question his accepted attitudes. This paves the way for indocrination with a "replacement set of beliefs" that will produce a change in behavior

Using this definition, we find that political education, religious indocrination, and general socialization can all be said to contain elements of brainwashing since all three have the same basic goal : to replace a persons present beliefs and behavious with beliefs and behaviors more in line with the agenda of whomeever is doing the brainwashing.

[end book part]

Brainwashing or, mind manipulation can be seen literally ALMOST everywhere, sometimes in the crevices between the most common or thought well of things, even the "good" things in life.

And i make this post only to show people, hopefully to be aware of that manipulation can be used for our "good" or our "bad".

As the saying goes...A knife can be used to cut sausage, or used to cut someones throat.


Monday, January 16, 2006

High school (#13)

For people who want to fit in, high school is not only the easiest thing but also the hardest.

Being yourself seems to be distorted in what everyone wants you to be, and identity, a somebody they can identify. Someone to fit in.

However being different makes you the utmost enemy and uncool person in highschool, standing out being different. For all of you different out there, get through high school, then you can judge the world.

I however will never back down to who i am! No matter what, no matter who tries to tell me to be different. I will not become an identity, YOU can identify me by. You will not understand me. I will make sure. Anything i say or think i will contradict, i will think. I will be different, i will be myself.

To become the same not only reduces me to the same level you are, but also makes ANY of my qualities reduced to the same state as yours. And for any of you who like me. You now know, that being yourself is essential. IT DOES NOT matter if your parents, teachers, best friends tell you they dislike something you like. Too bad. You like it, end of storey.

For the ones that are different, the struggle may be difficult, but the aftermath is what you should work to attain for.

Quote~Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power. Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD)


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Right and Wrong (#12)

Is there really such thing as right and wrong? Is there always two sides? Left and right? Up and down? OR is it just perception? Is it if you just tell yourself something is right and wrong then youll believe it?

To what ive acclaimed as "Knowledge", i dont believe there is such a real thing as right and wrong.

All right and wrong really is, is some higher power telling you what they want.
And generally since that higher power is usually stronger, they create laws and enforce them. So unless you abide to the laws you are considered "bad". If you do you are considered "good" and allowed to do more and have more privilages..

So in reality there is no such thing as good are bad, right and wrong, no laws, morals... Its just someone with more power telling you what to think and how; otherwise you get "punished".

Its a form of manipulation many people fail to see, and/or think about; be aware of...

To recap, i think that morals are basically a way of having someone "more knowledgable" tell you what you should do, otherwise society wont like you. (well if they dont like me, thats their problem...) And Laws are basically ways of telling you what you can and cant do. In democracy, the intent was to have balance of rights and power, that seems to be fading.

Right and Wrong seems to be a primitive way of understanding things. Till you find out, there is no such thing as right and wrong; in the essance of reality.

Quote~Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading. Quintus Septimius Tertullianus (160 AD - 230 AD), Adversus


Sunday, January 08, 2006

Ego and Quest for Identity (#11)

The quest for identity.
People wander there life when they're young, trying to find who they are by doing any means nessecary and anything in front of other peers trying to find what they like most and what others agree with them the most.

Obviously, its in the subconcsious. your not constantly thinking who do i want to be?
But the scarey part about identity is once you find an identity you like. You tend to stick with it at least for a while, then defend your ideas and thoughts about your identity.

In the case of Ego it relates to ego, i hate to say it, but us guys, generally tend to have low egos of ourselfs.
I know a lot of people who will always defend their ideas.
This is where all of you (as in the majority of people) end up saying you hate talking to people who dont know what the hell their even talking about, but act like they do.

Back to the guys having low egos, we tend to always think we are RIGHT, ALWAYS. We dont have the balls to admit were wrong sometimes.
I try to admit im wrong sometimes, but i hate it when i do admit im wrong, people then rub it in that im wrong. Thats, basically the only reason which holds me back from wanting to admit im wrong, because other people like to make you seem lower of yourself when your wrong.

If i ever catch you in person doing that to me. Well I wont heistate to swing at you.

I dont know all of the reasons why guys tend to not want to admit being wrong, i know mine but thats about it.

Now women have this problem on finding out who they are, the quest for identity.

It seems so hard for them to figure out who they want to be when their young. I mean you see girls (in high school) falling to peer pressure and critisizm (im not sure if i spelled that right), too much that it ends up effecting them at both the conscious and subconscious levels of their minds.

And can do serious damage: Sexual abuse, use of girls as tools, manipulation, anorexia.

Sseveral other problems, involving the mind, and some girls dont learn till their older, generally they learn the hard way, from some asshole guy who used them, abused them, manipluated them or something. I can name a few girls i know that have benifited from learning the hard way, yet it also has hurt them.

Ego and identity seem to be related and can definitly affect us, so my post is merely about saying what this is, and now for me to say what to do..

Find out what type of person are you, and find out how your ego is.
Learn its weaknesses and strengths. Strengthen the weaknesses.

As the saying goes, the best defense is to have nothing to defend at all.

As for identity, why do you think people change? Because they find another way of living that they like.


"All things change when we do."Kukai (774-835)

Quote-Never Reveal Your True Strength, If Knowledge Is Power, Then To Be Unknown Is To Be Unstoppable.
