Monday, January 16, 2006

High school (#13)

For people who want to fit in, high school is not only the easiest thing but also the hardest.

Being yourself seems to be distorted in what everyone wants you to be, and identity, a somebody they can identify. Someone to fit in.

However being different makes you the utmost enemy and uncool person in highschool, standing out being different. For all of you different out there, get through high school, then you can judge the world.

I however will never back down to who i am! No matter what, no matter who tries to tell me to be different. I will not become an identity, YOU can identify me by. You will not understand me. I will make sure. Anything i say or think i will contradict, i will think. I will be different, i will be myself.

To become the same not only reduces me to the same level you are, but also makes ANY of my qualities reduced to the same state as yours. And for any of you who like me. You now know, that being yourself is essential. IT DOES NOT matter if your parents, teachers, best friends tell you they dislike something you like. Too bad. You like it, end of storey.

For the ones that are different, the struggle may be difficult, but the aftermath is what you should work to attain for.

Quote~Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power. Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW this is SO from RSDNation/The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.

I think the hardest bit about individual vs. social brainwashing is the practical bit. You can be all theory and still end up falling unconsciously/subconsciously into the same old patterns every day.

And woah dated 2006., mustve grown up and learnt a lot since then ey?


September 09, 2010  
Blogger RXslair said...

Jax, to your statement about having grown up a bit -- yeah, you have no idea.

September 12, 2010  

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