Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Stand Up!!! (#18)

The world seems to be in a plunder that it cannot get itself out of. Complete utter chaos and more and more grows by the day. Its in an abyss of destruction that will be hard to drive itself out of. No one wants to attempt to try and do things that may help the people as a whole get better.

Most people want to just benefit themselfs. There is a definite fine line difference from wanting to benefit just for yourself or for the world as a whole (which partly involves you).

Many people at my age dont think it matters to start to help or prepare early, to help the world or get prepared for the new chaos that will arise. Many people my age just want a relationship, just some love. Something to do... But none of that will matter if you have no world to love it in or to live love in.

Our world is contstantly destroying itself, unless some people stand up; we will have nothing to love. But it seems that some are afraid, they might get in trouble with the law, be alienated by society, or nothing will happen at all, or possibly all of the above.

But in order for anything to happen you must act first. Will is everything. The will to act. Matters most. And most people dont appreciate life enough, wont do anything to protect it. OR rely on others for their help, but the FACT of the matter is, that shouldnt be the case, and drastically alters the life we live in.

Crime rates for adults in the past 10 years or so have sropped by 25% but teenage crime has skyrocketed to 165 %. That amount of problems will carry over to our adulthood years and will keep affecting us forever. We will have major health problems, violent crime, and mental and emotional problems beyond prediction. Our world will be in utter chaos once again....But this time its different....Theres more technology to cause destruction and more problems....Together the problems we have now combined with technology will ultimately cause the fall of the great world we know of...

So we must change this, we must someone stand up for the balance. Otherwise we will destroy ourselfs ineveitably.


Think ahead...Plan ahead....Stand up....Lets stand up and take a rise for what we care for most. Let us be the change we wish to see in the world....


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The World...(#17)

Today i cant help but be ticked all the time. In our world we've learned to cringe at nearly anything. We cringe at the sight of a suitcase lying around (possible bomb), we cringe at someone with hands in their pockets, teenagers (since we're obviously evil), any sort of emotion thats not acceptable in our society.

Our society has been destroyed.

Its been so damaged that its in such horrific tension, within countries and around the world (country competition), that we forget what we were looking for in the first place.

But why are we in such horrible tension?

Cartoons (little cartoons) expressing a view of someone or thought. A simple thought. And some part of the world uses that excuse to break a tension and spark a conflict for wahtever reason. Presidents use false accusations to appoint us to war. Congress rationalizing "logical" reasons to do things they have to do in order to "protect out country". Burning churches to get their views expressed.

Sometimes we do things that we think are rational or logical and stick by them so heavily that we defend them at all cost without actually listening to what the other person might have to say. Then we get so angry that this person even thinks this, that we go on to express our emotions without thinking...logically (yeah...)

And after weve done something maybe we regret doing, we know the rest of the world or place will be angry, and we dont want them to be angry at us, so we make up more excuses to not be around them or have logical conclusions as to why we did what we did, so they wont hate us and think we are stupid for making a mistake. And might i remind you, we are all human.

Sometimes we dont regret what we did. Only however will we never regret what we do when we fully understand ourselves and why we think like we do. Only then will you not regret.

Our world is full of emotions and hypocritical thoughts. And many emotions and thoughts are wrong the first time and right the second. And many people hate being wrong because people will critisize them. Then they will be labeled as stupid by others.

Well first off let me say. If someone else labels you as stupid for making a mistake. They are the ones who need to learn. Secondly society judges you alot based off of yuor emotions and when and who you are. If you cry and your a guy. Your labeled as wus, or feminin. If your shouting or angry, people dont like it when your angry because you make irrational thoughts and descions.

But lets say what if someone said why are you angry, and tried to help you let out why you are angry and rather than critisize what they spit out as being angry, just listen. Help them learn to control your anger, and you cant imagine what its like to be able to control or harness anger and use it rationally without making irrational desicions. If you can use anger with control and use it while still being angry you can empower yourself with the most armed arsenal in your body.

The world however likes to use their anger as we can see everyday on the news. Like to make rational thoughts that seem logical. And not express their emotions because they will be labeled accordingly.

Seems like the world is in a national crises it cant seem to find why it thinks what it thinks. It Doesnt know what it truly wants and why. It makes up rational thoughts, logical reasons for motivation, such as religion and economic gain.

The world says it knows itself to not be wrong as to not be critized by others who dont know themselfs. See the process?

Understand yourself....
